Teaching Comparative Government and Politics

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Joan McCarthy enthusiastically wrote to the AP Government and Politics EDG today about CountryWatch. She said, "I attended the Special Libraries Assoc. convention in Baltimore this summer, and was introduced to a powerful database that fits right into our Comparative Politics curriculum. The database is CountryWatch.

"In my 15 years of teaching AP Comparative Politics, I teach it as a whole year course, I have not come across such a comprehensive source. It not only includes up-to-date political and economic information and analysis about individual countries, but it has the cultural legacy, the geography and demographics, social dynamics within a country, maps, international relations, statistics and much more. What is especially exciting about this source is that it has real-time, fulltext news feeds for each country. I immediately contacted our head librarian to initiate some dialogue with the company. For the upcoming school year, I recommend giving this database a serious look. "

CountryWatch offers a free 3-day trial of their service, so you can see for yourself the extent of the information available. It is a subscription service. I couldn't find the costs for libraries (for "remote and campus-wide" subscriptions), but "Single User Standard Online Access" is $99 a year and "Premium Access" is $199.

Having all that information in one place might be worth it to you and your students, so take a look and then talk to your librarian.


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