A cleavage that's not usually politically relevant
This is a reminder that there are ethnic cleavages in Iran, but not all of them are always politically relevant. (After all, the Supreme Leader and several cabinet members are Azeris.) However, a children's TV show seems to have exposed some background prejudice.Iran's Azeris protest over offensive TV show
Police in Iran have clashed with people protesting against what they say is the state broadcaster's offensive portrayal of the country's Azeri ethnic minority…
The protests were sparked by a children's television programme... that ridiculed the accents of Azeris and included offensive jokes…
Azeri protest
There are approximately 13 million ethnic Azeris in Iran, or 16% of the population.
The US state department says Azeris are well integrated into government and society, but that they have accused the government of discriminating against them by prohibiting the Azeri language in schools, harassing Azeri activists or organisers, and changing Azeri geographic names…
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