Iranian celebrations
Iran remembers the revolution
"Khomeini arrived in Tehran on February 1, 1979 but his return is being celebrated on January 31 this year because it is a leap year in the Iranian calendar...
"Iran has organised 10 days of celebrations to mark the anniversary of the overthrow of the US-backed shah, who ruled Iran for four decades."
Iranians mark Islamic revolution
"Iran has begun 10 days of celebrations to mark the 30th anniversary of the Islamic revolution that overthrew the US-backed former ruler, the Shah.
"Speaking in the capital, Tehran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the revolution was 'lively and alive'...
"'We are still at the beginning of the path and greater changes are ahead,' President Ahmadinejad was quoted by AFP news agency as saying, at a ceremony at the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini - the father of the revolution.
"'Although the Islamic revolution happened in Iran it is not limited to Iranian borders,' the president was quoted as saying..."
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