Teaching Comparative Government and Politics

Monday, November 19, 2007

Campaign reform in Mexico

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported on Mexico's campaign reform legislation. There's no question it's change, but are these reforms progress?

Mexican electoral reform becomes law, bans paid TV and radio advertisements

"A broad electoral reform that bars political parties from paying for radio and television advertisements became law Tuesday after it received Mexican President Felipe Calderón's approval.

"The law was published in the government's official registry. Congress has 30 days to approve companion legislation and to replace all board members of the semiautonomous Federal Electoral Institute that oversees Mexico's elections.

"Approved by Congress in September and later by a majority of Mexico's 31 states, the law requires television and radio stations to broadcast free political ads for up to 48 minutes a day. It also puts a six-month cap on presidential campaigning and prohibits political parties from insulting institutions and candidates.

"The political-ad provision has infuriated the powerful broadcast industry, and some intellectuals have expressed concern that the wholesale removal of the electoral institute's members will threaten its independence..."

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