Sharing teaching ideas
A bit over 3 weeks ago, Lisa Van Gemert asked whether there was a place for teachers to share lesson plans for teaching comparative government and politics.I didn't know of any place. No one had any concrete suggestions. So I did some research.
After looking at several alternatives, including the new Google Sites, I went back to a familiar (to me) old system, Yahoo! Groups.
I've used this with groups of students since before it was Yahoo! Groups. (E-groups was bought by Yahoo! back in '95.) I still moderate a Yahoo! Group for about 70 former students. It's not very active, but the group survived the last students graduating from college last year (and changing e-mail addresses).
The group is private. Only members are allowed to participate. People get to be members by invitation from the moderator (me).

The group is online.
Members of the new sharing comparative group can
- send e-mails to the group.
- either receive the e-mails or read them on the group web site.
- upload files (teaching plans) to the group web site.
- download files (teaching plans) from the group web site.
- upload photos or graphics for other members to use in teaching plans.
- add URLs of valuable web sites to a directory for the group.
- add events to the group calendar (which already notes the AP Comparative Exam on May 5).
It looks like a good model for a group of teachers who are interested in sharing teaching ideas.
You do need to register with Yahoo! to participate, but I've not experienced any spam or hacking because of the groups I moderate. Just remember, when you register don't give out any more information than you must and feel comfortable sharing with Yahoo!'s advertising clients. And no one will be checking the veracity of the information you supply (except for your e-mail address).
If you want an invitation to join the group, send me an e-mail at
Ken(dot)Wedding(at)gmail(dot)com with your name, school, and the e-mail address which you want to use as a group member. I'll add you to the invite list. (So far I've sent out 33 invitations.)
Once you respond to the invitation and join the group, upload your favorite teaching plan (in a form that usable by others) to the group web site. Make sure you identify the necessary materials needed for the plan (citations and URLs would be helpful -- original material can be uploaded with the teaching plan).
Download and use teaching ideas that others have posted.
Add your favorite valuable URL to the "Links" section.
Ask questions of or offer answers and advice to the group.
If you have questions about this endeavor or a suggestion of an alternative, e-mail me.
If it's a little late in the "season" for this year, don't fret. I'll try to keep the group alive until next year.
Labels: pedagogy
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