Teaching Comparative Government and Politics

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Learning from Chinese history

"People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors." -Edmund Burke

Spirit of China's Long March still applicable today
Now is an opportune time for China and the whole world to discuss and draw strength from the military marvel of the Long March -- with will and wisdom, we can make the impossible possible!

Eighty years ago, the Communist Party of China (CPC) declared the successful completion of the Long March, a two-year adventure of great daring in which the Red Army of the CPC evaded the pursuit of the Kuomintang and trudged over 12,500 km on foot to reach its final destination in northwestern China.

In less than 15 years after the jaw-dropping feat, with the same wisdom and conviction that once led the long-tested party out of gunfire, hunger and death during the Long March, the CPC came to power and embarked on a new march for national stability and prosperity, another "mission impossible" for the country that had been stuck in division, warfare and poverty for more than a century…

The Long March teaches us first and foremost to remain true to the conviction that our undertakings, however strenuous and impossible they may seem, will succeed in the end…

[T]he Long March teaches us to always consider the wellbeing of all mankind, especially in the face of conservatism and selfishness…

Last but not least, the Long March teaches us to remain ready to make painstaking breakthroughs…

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What You Need to Know 7th edition is ready to help.

Order the book HERE
Amazon's customers gave this book a 4-star rating.

Just The Facts! 2nd edition is a concise guide to concepts, terminology, and examples that will appear on May's exam.

Just The Facts! is available. Order HERE.

Amazon's customers gave this book a 5-star rating.

The Comparative Government and Politics Review Checklist.

Two pages summarizing the course requirements to help you review and study for the final and for the big exam in May. . It contains a description of comparative methods, a list of commonly used theories, a list of vital concepts, thumbnail descriptions of the AP6, and a description of the AP exam format. $2.00. Order HERE.

What You Need to Know: Teaching Tools, the original version and v2.0 are available to help curriculum planning.

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