Teaching Comparative Government and Politics

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fight corruption our way

While the official fight against corruption in China continues, the Party wants to be in control of the process. Thus there is censorship of the Panama revelations.

Former Top Military Official in China Took ‘Huge’ Bribes, Inquiry Finds
Prosecutors in China have completed an investigation of the former top military officer in the country, finding that he and his relatives took “huge” bribes, the official state news agency Xinhua reported on Tuesday.

Military prosecutors found that the former general, Guo Boxiong, 73, who served as China’s foremost military official for a decade until his retirement in 2012, took bribes in exchange for helping other officers win promotions or transfers…

His prosecution illustrates the lengths to which President Xi Jinping, who also serves as chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party, will go to purge the People’s Liberation Army of corruption.

The two top military officers under Hu Jintao, Mr. Xi’s predecessor, who both served on the party’s 25-member Politburo, have been expelled from the party on suspicion of graft…

China Censors Mentions of ‘Panama Papers’ Leaks
The release of the “Panama Papers” is setting off a political firestorm the world over…

But in China, where the names of relatives of several top leaders have been found in the leak of millions of pages of documents from a Panamanian law firm… most citizens will never hear of the news…

Censors have been working hard to ensure that news of the leaks does not penetrate China’s “Great Firewall” of Internet controls…

A censorship notice sent by a Chinese provincial Internet office told editors to delete reports on the leaks, according to China Digital Times…

Surely the most politically sensitive leak, for China’s censors, was the revelation that Deng Jiagui, the brother-in-law of President Xi Jinping, had set up two British Virgin Islands-registered companies through Mossack Fonseca in 2009… [B]y the time Mr. Xi became China’s top leader in late 2012, the companies were dormant…

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The Comparative Government and Politics Review Checklist.

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