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One of the world's leading producers of petroleum is facing a fuel shortage.Nigeria hit by severe fuel shortage amid payment row
A severe fuel crisis has hit Nigeria with long queues of angry motorists waiting for hours outside petrol stations in major cities to fill up.
Importers are accused of withholding petrol because of a payment dispute with the government, which they [the importers, I believe] deny…
Nigeria is Africa's main oil exporter but imports most of its petrol because it lacks the capacity to refine it.
The fuel is imported at a subsidised price under a scheme operated by the state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
Shuttered petrol (gas) station in Kano
Earlier this month, the government approved the payment of $2.1bn (£1.4bn) to the importers, or wholesale fuel sellers, to settle subsidy claims.
However, payment has been delayed because parliament has not yet approved it.
The BBC's Bashir Sa'ad Abdullahi in the capital, Abuja, says previous governments tended to pay the wholesale fuel sellers without parliamentary approval.
But it seems that President Buhari is trying to stick to the law…
The fuel subsidy scheme has become an enormous scam, our correspondent says.
The wholesalers often pretend to bring in a lot more oil than they do and pocket the money they get for the petrol that is not delivered, he says.
In May, the country was brought to a standstill when the importers went on strike following a row over payments with the outgoing government…
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Labels: corruption, Nigeria, rule of law
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