People in the street
Before the ubiquity of polls, "man in the street" interviews were a standard for portraying public opinion. In Nigeria, people in the street interviews are still done. Here's one, done in Lagos, asking people about President Buhari's first 100 days.
100 days of Buhari: what do Nigerians really think of their new president?
Take a walk through Nigeria’s commercial capital and expectation is heavy in the air. One hundred days after Muhammadu Buhari swept into power, becoming the first president to ever unseat an incumbent here, many citizens say they are seeing some significant improvements.
Rooting out corruption – which was central to the platform of “change” on which Buhari campaigned – is also at the forefront of most people’s minds, and so far the scorecard is high…
But a perceived lethargic approach has caused his critics to nickname him “Baba go-slow”, after local slang for traffic jams. Some feel too much emphasis on the fight against corruption means other vital sectors are being neglected… although even detractors say the new government has taken a far more hands-on approach than the previous government…
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Labels: leadership, Nigeria, public opinion
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